Hey, I’m Jen Siqueiros

Jen Siqueiros, Holistic Esthetician in Redding, CA

Hey there and thanks for taking time to read my very first blog post. 

Why start now you ask? I figure why not, I have a shit ton of thoughts that run through my head and some of it may or may not be helpful to someone else out there or it might help someone not feel like they’re alone in the world. 

I’m Jen. A 40 something year old half Mexican female that has some life experiences that I hope to be able to use to help others in their skin journey and maybe even life journey. I won’t get too much into my past as my stories will come up as it relates to a topic I post. Most of these blog posts will be because of an experience in life, work, love and what not. 

Current occupation: a self employed Holistic Esthetician in Redding California that’s pretty close to the Mt. Shasta and Oregon border. As with most of the little towns in the United States, it’s growing at a pretty quick especially since Covid. 

What does Holistic mean? Well if you want the Websters version go ahead and google it. If you want my version keep reading… Holistic approach to skin care and whole body wellness is that I take into account your current state of mind, nutrition (although I am not a certified nutritionist) and how that all effects your skin. Think about it… sometimes when you’re stressed or eat the wrong thing where does it show up? On you skin - your skin is the largest organ meaning it’s constantly filtering. Eat something that you’re allergic to your face swells up your lips get huge and you can’t breath. The cycle: mouth to belly, belly to digestion, digestion to excretion (that’s just the simple version), excretion in rashes. Or what about when you’re stressed or nervous, you get hives on your arms, neck, or face sometimes the legs etc. So what you eat affects your skin. How you think affects your whole body all the way down to your cells. When you’re stressed your cells take notice and boy do they have memory. When they regenerate they don’t regenerate healthy and new they regenerate in the state of stress or happiness that you were in when they had to regenerate. So my approach to skin and body wellness is a whole body approach. Call it functional, holistic or whatever you like but that’s the quick gist of how I approach skin care. 

I’m don’t know everything but I’m striving to be the GoTo Guru for Skin & Body Wellness. Is it easy to change your habits that contribute to your skin condition or health? FUCK NO! It’s a challenge but that’s where I hope to come in. Just a coach/guide/friend helping you tap into your power, your confidence, mindfulness, and your unique health awareness. 

I’m constantly learning the ways of a holistic approach to skin, beauty, mind, and body. I hope to be able to reach those that need my guidance and healing touch. I’m not for everyone I don’t expect to be. But for those that I do have the fortune to meet, I hope that I give to you a at least smidge of what I know your spirit will give to me when we work together. 

BIG Love,



Breathe - For Total Body Wellness