Breathe - For Total Body Wellness

Connect to breath. You’re thinking whatever Jen if I wasn’t breathing I wouldn’t be living, You’re crazy!!! OR am I????? Nope I’m not crazy. When I say connect to breath, I mean really connect and feel your breath. Take a long, deep breath in all the way down, down, deep, fill those lungs up. Guess what happens… I’ll wait…


That deep breath you just took is filling up your lungs, pushing your diaphragm (it separates your thoracic cavity from the abdomen) down over the vagus nerve pushing you out of fight or flight mode to the rest and digest mode. The body is a trip and a wondrous miracle!! 

So when you’re stressed or feeling blah do some deep breathing. Fill those lungs, extend the belly and let that diaphragm move. 

Breath brings us back to the current time and place, we don’t feel regret or guilt about the past and we don’t have anxiety about the future. Staying in the present by using breath can help in so many ways we don’t see. Cell rejuvenation, calming of the mind, oxygenation to the entire body, and positive mood shifts. Hell it even helps the skin become healthier. Think about it, without Oxygen we pretty much die. So then imagine what happens to our blood, cells and everything else in our body when our oxygen is limited? Dullness, lethargy, trouble breathing etc. 

When you think you don’t have time. Saying I don’t have time is saying “it’s no a priority”. Well breathing my friend is a HUGE priority. So I challenge you. At that next stop light in traffic or at that next red light, do 60 seconds or however long that light is, worth of deep breathing. And boom you’ll be one step forward to wellness. When your body is well your skin will be well.

Big Love, 



What the heck is plant based skin care or green beauty?


Hey, I’m Jen Siqueiros