More on Connective Tissue Therapy - How important is it?

In a previous blog I discussed the basics of loose Connective Tissue buuuut what I didn’t get into was the awesome little details. It’s hard to simplify in a quick blog post such an amazingly intricate topic, especially when I clearly lack in my communication abilities.

It’s pretty fu&^%ing important!!! Loose connective tissue is where COLLAGEN, FIBROBLASTS, MACROPHAGES, & LYMPHOCTYES such as B Cells and T Cells and Mast Cells are produced and flow within the connective tissue.

COLLAGEN gives us our main structural support and plumpness of the skin and makes up 25-35% of the whole body protein content.

FIBROBLASTS are the main cells within loose Connective Tissue they secrete collagen protein that are used to maintain the structural framework. Basically keeps the elasticity and plumpness of our skin as well as provides TISSUE REPAIR.

On top of all these beauty cells that reside within the connective tissue are cells of the IMMUNE SYSTEM:

LYMPHOCYTES are small white blood cells that occur in the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM the two main types within connective tissue are the B & T Cells.

B CELLS: produce antibodies that attack invading bacteria, viruses and toxins.

T CELLS: focus on specific foreign particles. They circulate until they find the ‘distinct’ invaders.


MAST CELLS: these guys regulate skin inflammation

The last thing I’ll share with you are:

3 Types of tissue fibers that are within the loose Connective Tissue:

  1. COLLAGENOUS fibers yup you guessed it made of up COLLAGEN molecules & are coil like. So it gives our skin the strength and plumpness effect .

  2. RETICULAR fibers: give the connective tissue the mesh like / spider web like consistency. They hold everything in. Everything from our kidney’s, spleen, lymph nodes to bone marrow. Join connective tissues to other tissues.

  3. ELASTIC Fibers: give us the stretch and the ability to stretch back without leaving loose skin or sagging.

Moral of the story. If our bodies and brain are constantly in fight or flight mode and are stressed the F out then our body isn’t going to produce more fibroblasts or collagen. Thus your skin and immune system will take a hit. So Connective Tissue manipulation isn’t just for lifting and plumping the skin it also gives your lymphatic system a little kick in the booty giving it the ability to flow. Because when the mesh, spider web like connective tissue is all squished up and tense then there can’t be a healthy flow of blood, nutrients, oxygen and lymph. So loose Connective Tissue manipulation allows for the opening and flow of nutrients and lymph as well as putting your body into the rest and digest state to create collagen and fibroblasts giving your skin more plumpness and the ability to stretch and go back without sagging skin.

Questions or comments please send me a message I’m here to help!

And remember the body works as a whole it really is a CIRCLE and not a square.!

BIG Love,



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