Connective Tissue Therapy the Natural Face Lift

Let’s start with what is Connective Tissue and not the sciency term. I’m giving you the quick and not so technical run down.

It is a spiderweb of soft tissue that is located throughout the entire body. Like a spiderweb it receives signals and sends the information to the relevant nervous system. Connective Tissue supports blood vessels, lymphatics, and muscles. 

Focusing on the face and neck because I am an esthetician, when there is inflammation, stagnation, and tension this indicates that the fight or flight nervous system has been triggered. Releasing the connective tissue triggers the rest and digest nervous system creating a plethora of positive results not just in the face but through the entire body. I’ll go over nervous systems and their responses when triggered in another post.

So! When I manipulate/treat/provide therapy to this connective tissue in the face and neck it triggers the rest and digest nervous system; relieving tension, reducing inflammation, and creating an over all flow that increases nutrients, blood, and oxygen flow. When in rest and digest our body creates fibroblasts. Connective Tissue therapy triggers the repair of collagen fibroblasts and elastic fibers by giving it space and allowing the skin to heal. By increasing all the healthy production of cells and fibroblasts CTT gives the face a natural lift and internal glow that shows from the inside out. 

If you have questions after reading this please don’t hesitate to send me an email, I’m more than happy to answer any questions you might have. I’m super excited to offer this in my downtown Redding, Ca skin studio to my facial clients. I can offer it as a solo service without facial products or include it in a facial with products.

BIG Love,



More on Connective Tissue Therapy - How important is it?


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