How to treat acne naturally

Acne. It affects people of all ages. It can appear on the face, neck and/or back. But what is Acne, and where does it come from?

The pores in your face, neck and back become clogged. Excess or thick oil and debris such as dead skin cells and/or bacteria clog the pore creating an infection bump aka a pimple. Acne is INFLAMMATION and Inflammation is a symptom of something larger happening within your body. It is a message from your body that something within your body is out of balance. 

Download our free guide below, and learn how to treat acne naturally!

I know what it’s like and how it feels to have acne! As an acne sufferer myself I know what it's like to have acne. It hurt my self esteem, I lacked confidence. People would tease me. It was hard to keep my head up or look at people. Working in public around people was torturous especially with little kids who would ask what is wrong with my face. I get it. I can't even imagine what it would be like now in a world where everything is an "image". But I am here and I care and I understand what you're going through physically and emotionally.

Do you feel like you have TRIED EVERYTHING to make your acne go away? Have you ever used products and received results only a few months or so later to have all the acne come back? I have. Or even worse have you used rounds of oral and topical antibiotics with no relief. I have. Or even worse than that, use the oral antibiotics, the topical antibiotics, and the acidic creams to have your acne go away but leave you with HIGHLY sensitized skin? Where is't red, flakey, hurts to talk or even smile.

This is not healthy. Antibiotics are deteriorating the healthy of your microbiome in your gut which will affect your overall mental health, digestive health, and immunity strength. Topical antibiotics and harsh acids destroy the microbiome on your face hence the redness, irritation and pain. Those products have stripped your skin of its protection and/or barrier. 

There's a healthier way! It may not be the fastest way but it's healthy and has longevity and keeps your skin healthy, your gut healthy, your body may even be healthier after. It's healing your acne at the root cause. It's discovering what it is your body needs and or doesn't need to work at an optimized level. Not just for skin purposes but for overall health purposes. There are many things that could be affecting your acne hormone imbalance, diet, stress, and more.

Enter your email above, and receive my FREE download on How to Treat Acne Naturally! In this download I offer some of the key things that could aid in the clearing of acne. Maybe some of them you have heard before, maybe not. In addition, after you sign up to receive the free guide, I am offering a FREE 15minute zoom or in person consult. As a certified Health Coach I want to help you discover your ultimate skin health. Let's get you clear. 

Big Love, Jen
Your Gut Esthetician & Health Coach


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